With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been major changes in the way teaching is conducted. In many countries in Europe, teaching has been interrupted for varying lengths (from a few weeks to several months), and in some countries teaching has continued at a distance. In those moments, the need arose to introduce different ways of conducting teaching and overcoming certain obstacles, especially in the performance of vocational subjects in vocational technical schools. This necessitated the introduction of virtual labs or simulation platforms.
These problems were solved in different ways by each country, in each educational system. Because the educational systems, especially the secondary vocational technical schools, despite their national characteristics, face similar problems and difficulties, it led to the development of the idea of creating a digital school, like DigitalVet.
The DigitalVet project is a project funded by the Erasmus program that brings together partners from 6 European countries. The main holder of this project is GULCUK MTAL from Turkey, and as partners in the project are OEMUC “St. Naum Ohridski”from North Macedonia, 2nd School Laboratory Center of Heraklion from Greece, INTER COLLEGE APS from Denmark, ROBKOD from Turkey, INSTITUTO ESPECIFICO DE FORMACION PROFESIONAL SUPERIOR MIGUEL ALTUNA from Spain and Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board from Ireland.

The start of this project was marked by a preparatory meeting held on 02 and 03 November 2021 in Galway, Ireland. The meeting was hosted by the Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board and was attended by all partner organizations. Each participant had their own short presentation, in which they presented their field of work, impressions and expectations from this project.
The meeting presented the time frame for the implementation of the planned activities, the schedule of meetings and the purpose of each meeting, the distribution of responsibilities of each partner organization, the financial plan and financial reports for the activities and the intelectual output of the distance learning platform .
The meeting passed in a very pleasant and positive atmosphere, which shows the commitment of all partner organizations for the success of this whole project.